Christ's Image by Heinrich Hofmann

We believe that Jesus is the Christ, our Redeemer, the literal Son of God. 

We believe that God is the Father of our spirits, that every human being ever on the earth is our brother or sister. As such, our Father has a plan for us, his family, that extends before, during, and after this earthly life. This plan includes coming to this earth, which was prepared for us, to learn and grow. We believe that families are an integral part of this plan. We believe God loves us more than we can comprehend, and that if we follow His plan, we can return to live with Him again. The atonement of Jesus Christ is the central act in this plan. In order to receive the blessings of His atoning sacrifice, we must learn of Him, His life, His teachings, and His love for us. And we must follow Him.

We believe Jesus Christ resurrected the third day after He died, and He lives today. He established His church during His earthly life, and He has restored His church to the earth again through His chosen prophet, Joseph Smith. Like in ancient times, God calls prophets today to lead His church and guide us, His children. His chosen prophet upon the earth at this time is Russel M. Nelson, and his two counselors and the 12 Apostles that serve with them are also modern day prophets. Jesus Christ directs His church through them.

We believe in the reality of the Holy Ghost. Along with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. It is through the power of the Holy Ghost that we can recognize truth. When we seek guidance from our Father through prayer, study, and faith, it is through the Holy Ghost, or the Spirit, that He answers us. We believe God desires to communicate with His children by revelation through the Spirit, but we must also do our part.

We believe that the words of the prophets are scripture, given to us for our benefit by a loving Father. This includes the Old and New Testaments of the Bible (written by ancient prophets in the eastern part of the world), the Book of Mormon (written by ancient prophets in the western part of the world), and the words we have spoken by modern day prophets.

Brent & Sunny Hicken